Friday, December 16, 2005

Republicans Say Democrats Playing Politics Amid Veto Override Threats; Democrats Say “No Shit!”

Response Unleashes Freakish Wave of Honesty

By: Josh McClown
Crab Staff Writer

ANNAPOLIS – In a statement released this week by state Republican leaders in Annapolis, they accuse Democrats in the House and Senate of playing politics amid chatter of a plan to override vetoes that Governor Ehrlich plans to exercise.

“These plans to override the Governor’s vetoes are nothing short of playing a political game to get attention going into this next legislative session,” read one of these statements. “The Democrats are just trying to grab the spotlight.”

In a surprising response, Democratic leaders agreed with the statements released by the Republicans.

“No shit,” said one spokesman. “Of course we are playing politics, and of course we are trying to grab spotlight heading into next session. We are politicians, this is what we do. What would the Republicans do if they were in our situation?; Oh wait! They are in the same situation in Washington so I guess that are purposely playing dumb.”

In another stunning response, Republican leaders agreed with the comments from the Democratic spokesman.

“Of course we are playing dumb on purpose, we are politicians who are in the minority party right now, this is what we do,” said a Republican spokesman. “The only reason he even said that about us is to try to put us on the constant defensive, that’s all that is going on here.”

Once again, the Democratic spokesman agreed with everything the Republican spokesman said.

“Your damn right we are trying to put them on the defensive, we are the majority, this is what we do when we want the attention that I already admitted that we are trying to get,” said the Democratic spokesman. “And before he says it, YES, we are trying to secretly push our agenda underneath all of this political activity.”

The pre-emptive admission of the agenda pushing left the Republican spokesman with no further statements.

“He already admitted to the hidden political agenda thing?” asked the Republican spokesman. “Hmmm, I guess I got nothing then.”

Stunned by the Republican spokesman’s silence, the Democratic spokesman also had no points left to make.

“He had nothing?” he said before a long awkward silence. “Ok, what’s on TV?”

Even though there was no resolution to the actual veto issues at hand, the unusual wave of honesty managed to silence both parties for the rest of the day.

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